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Comedor moderno y acogedor para jóvenes profesionales y estudiantes en un apartamento estiloso

The new era of student apartment rentals

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Proud of our work.

  • Icono de una casa mostrando más de 40,000 alojamientos disponibles



  • Icono de luna representando más de 1 millón de noches reservadas por estudiantes

    +1 Million

    of nights booked

  • Icono de edificios representando más de 40 ciudades con universidades



We make it easy for you

1 Search, choose

Choose from thousands of options. Find your ideal apartment without leaving home.

Vista aérea de un portátil, simbolizando la búsqueda y elección de un piso de forma fácil y segura desde casa

2 Rent with security

Own contracts and insurance on each rental. Our legal department drafts its own documents to secure your rights..

3 Book now

¿You have it? Be the first to book it and make it yours in a click.

Mujer joven manejando un portátil, simbolizando el alquiler seguro de pisos con contratos legales propios

Pareja joven y feliz haciendo mudanza, disfrutando de su nuevo piso alquilado con Live4Life

4 ¡Enjoy the apartment!

¡Done! Once you arrive in your new city you will only have to worry about enjoying.

A fast rental and without problems of non-payment

Since 2017, we have been ensuring the safety of our owners. We are pioneers in guaranteeing a 0% delinquency rate in addition to a fast renting nationwide.

Check all our rental plans and choose the one the one that best suits your needs:

  • Icono de check que garantiza la renta mensual a principios de cada mes

    Guaranteed rent at the beginning of each month

  • Icono de check que indica filtro de inquilinos

    Tenant filtering

  • Icono de check que representa plataforma gratuita para gestionar tu propiedad

    Free property management platform

  • Icono de check que indica asesoramiento legal

    Legal advice

  • Icono de check que simboliza seguridad en el alquiler


Rent my apartment
Propietaria mirando un portátil, simbolizando un alquiler rápido y sin problemas de impago Grupo de estudiantes felices mirando un ordenador, emocionados por alquilar un piso
Foto de Antonio Berenguer Verdú, propietario dejando su opinión sobre el servicio para alquiler de vivienda

Diego Saiz

“An exceptional, efficient and professional team. As an owner I would definitely recommend their services, congratulations and keep going!”

Icono de estrella para calificación de opiniones Icono de estrella para calificación de opiniones Icono de estrella para calificación de opiniones Icono de estrella para calificación de opiniones Icono de estrella para calificación de opiniones
Foto de Antonio Berenguer Verdú, propietario dejando su opinión sobre el servicio para alquiler de vivienda Foto de Estefania Villanueva Calderon, estudiante dejando su opinión sobre el servicio para alquiler de vivienda Foto de Paula Fierro Rubio, estudiante dejando su opinión sobre el servicio para alquiler de vivienda Foto de Monica B, propietaria dejando su opinión sobre el servicio para alquiler de vivienda Foto de David Khaouan, propietario dejando su opinión sobre el servicio para alquiler de vivienda Foto de Daniel Picazo Angelin, propietario dejando su opinión sobre el servicio para alquiler de vivienda Foto de Mónica Maroto, estudiante dejando su opinión sobre el servicio para alquiler de vivienda
You can see more reviews on Google

The best student apartments in...

Some of your frequently asked questions

Reservation process

chevron down icon What are the owner's conditions?
  • The owner's conditions are the items that are necessary to be able to live in the property. For example, no pets, suitable for couples, if they include community fees... All these data are very important for you, since they depend exclusively on the owners and we cannot intervene in them. It is necessary that you have them very clear because when you book the apartment, these conditions will be accepted.
chevron down icon My reservation has been accepted, now what?
  • As soon as it is accepted you will receive an email with the confirmation and all the information of the owner so that you can contact him. Once you have spoken you can clarify with him all the doubts you have: day of the signing of the contract, details of the house, methods of payment, etc. If the owner does not speak the same language as you, do not worry, we will act as intermediaries to make communication possible.
chevron down icon Do I have to pay a bond?
  • In most cases, yes. The deposit is paid the same day you sign the contract or when you agree with the owner. Remember that this money will be returned to you in full if when you leave the apartment it is exactly the same as when you entered it. Check if there are any specifications in the landlord's terms and conditions to the contrary.
chevron down icon What if my landlord hasn't contacted us yet?
  • Don't panic! If your landlord has not responded a day before the day of your arrival at your new home, let us know so that we can contact them. Be patient, because many of them usually don't respond until the day before.
chevron down icon If I have second thoughts, can I cancel my reservation?
  • The reservation can be cancelled at any time you notify us. If you cancel before the owner has accepted your reservation it will be done automatically without any penalty. But, if the owner has already accepted the reservation, you will have to check the cancellation conditions specified by the owner in his conditions. If there is no specification, the cancellation policies included in our policies will apply.
chevron down icon What happens if I arrive at the property and I don't like it?
  • It is recommended that you reserve those properties in which you are sure you will feel comfortable. The cancellation policy once inside is very specific: you will have 24 hours after entering the property to check for problems or structural damages in the property that make it impossible to live in it (mold, pests, extreme dirt, dampness...). If this were the case, you would have to contact us immediately to solve it.
chevron down icon Can it be that nobody responds to my reservation request?
  • If after 48 hours no one has responded to your request, it may be because the owner is unreachable and our agents are looking for him/her, or he/she cannot respond at that time. If this is the case, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can review your request :)
chevron down icon I enter my booking dates but I get an error.
  • This may be because the period of time you have entered is not the right one for that property. Check the minimum period of time to live in the property. It may also be the case that the owner has not updated his availability and an apartment that is already rented is active. If this happens, please contact us.
chevron down icon Who can I contact if I have any problems?
  • If there is any incident the day of check-in or any problem in the property, you can contact us so we can help you to solve it. Remember that Live4life is an online platform, and although we will be there to help you at all times, we are only the intermediary between you and the owner.
chevron down icon Can I book several properties at the same time?
  • It is not recommended, as each property will have its own cancellation policies. You will need to review all of them in order to have all the information about your request. If an owner does not accept your request, don't worry, our agents will be available to help you find a similar one that fits your needs.
chevron down icon What will happen if my request is denied by the owner?
  • Our agents will offer you all the similar options we have so that you can find a home that fits your conditions as soon as possible. If you like any of them, your reservation can be immediately transferred to that new property. If, on the other hand, you do not like any of them. You will be able to cancel the reservation and you will be refunded free of charge.
chevron down icon What happens if I have a problem with the other tenants in the apartment?
  • Live4life is a mere intermediary between owners and tenants. We can not intervene in conflicts that occur within the housing. We recommend that if the case arises, you communicate it immediately to the owner in order to reach an agreement as soon as possible.
  • You can ask us about the other tenants of the property before making your reservation. We will be able to provide you with their age, nationality and sex so that you can decide if their profiles are compatible with yours.
chevron down icon When will I see the contract?
  • Once the owner accepts your reservation, you will be sent an email with all the owner's information so that you can contact him/her. Once this contact has been established, you will be able to request a copy of the contract so that you can read it before the signing day.
chevron down icon Can I leave the housing before the period I requested?
  • Yes, but the conditions that you and the landlord sign in the contract will apply. Normally, if you give more than 30 days notice, there is usually no problem. Even so, check very well all the landlord's terms and conditions so that there is no mistake.
  • Everything will depend on the contract and your landlord. Don't forget that if you change your departure date, you may lose your deposit. For this reason, we advise you to book in a way that is conscious of the months you will be staying.
chevron down icon How can I extend my stay in the property I am renting?
  • If you decide to continue your stay in that property, notify the owner to deactivate its availability. This way no one else will be able to book it on the web.

About the announcement

chevron down icon Can I visit the property before booking?
  • The LIVE4LIFE service is all online. Most of our clients are looking for apartments in other cities, so all descriptions and pictures are very detailed. What you see in the property description will be what you see the day you enter the property for the first time.
  • Our team visits the properties and verifies that this requirement is met. If you have any questions about a specific property, we will be happy to answer them via email, phone or web chat :)
chevron down icon What is a verified property?
  • Verified properties are those that have been personally visited by a member of our team. In this way, the descriptions are real, unbiased and detailed to the maximum. With this we achieve that the whole rental process is online, without any problem between the property you see on the web and the one you rent.
  • It is possible that some of our properties are not verified. Don't worry. You can still rent it and if, on the day of signing the contract, it is not like the photos on the web, we will help you to find another one. We will try to verify all of them as soon as possible.
chevron down icon How can I know the exact address of the property?
  • Due to the data protection policy we cannot publish the exact addresses of the properties. Thanks to the interactive map on the right side of the search engine you will be able to see the approximate location of the property. You will receive the exact information once your reservation has been accepted, along with the owner's details.
chevron down icon I like a property but I want to see more photos
  • All the information we have about the apartment is posted in each of the ads. The photos, videos and descriptions are made in detail so that all the information we post is the maximum possible. If you still have any doubt or want to confirm any detail of the property you can contact us to clarify everything you need.
chevron down icon What if the property is not in good condition?
  • Once you enter the property you have 24 hours to inform us if there is any structural failure or lack of furniture.
  • You can contact us through 693 544 660 before the period has passed.


chevron down icon How can I calculate the Live4life booking commission?
  • This commission fee is paid only once at the beginning of the reservation. And it will vary according to the stay being booked in that property and the rental price.
  • The amount will be provided to you once you have entered the dates of your stay and start the booking process.
  • Anyway, Live4life, only charges 50% of a month's rent + VAT, if the stay is less than 85 days. If the instance is equal or more than 85 days, the month's rent + VAT will be charged.
chevron down icon How can I cancel my reservation and get my money back?
  • If you need to cancel a reservation that has already been confirmed by an owner, you must contact us. Once the reasons for the cancellation have been explained, the corresponding cancellation policies will be applied.
chevron down icon When is the deposit paid?
  • Normally the security deposit is paid to the owner once you arrive at the property. The owner may ask you for it ahead of time, this should be specified in your booking conditions. Remember that if not otherwise stated in the owner's conditions, it will be returned to you once you leave the apartment and everything is in the same condition as when you entered.
chevron down icon To whom do I have to pay the rent/commission/bail?
  • The payment of the first month and the commission will be made to Live4life. After 48 hours of your entry in the apartment we will pay the first month to the owner.
  • The deposit will be paid to the owner the day you move in. If it is not specified otherwise in the conditions of owners.
  • Each month's rent will also be paid to the landlord according to the method agreed with him.